Be Brave Broh - Privacy-Enabled Block-chain Browser

Brave Browser


Brave is the most popular web browser in the fast six months. Brave is an innovative privacy-enabled blockchain browser that is focused on protecting users’ data, keeping them private as an identity protection measure. This is a totally different approach from what is attainable with the traditional browsers that extract users’ data and actually sell them to advertisers for monetary values.
The Brave browser instead rewards users based on the amount of time that they spend visiting websites. Users are primarily rewarded using the Basic Attention Token (BAT) which is native to the Ethereum-based platform.
Brave users, after earning BAT can then use the platform’s partner, Uphold to convert the BAT to a currency of their choice among the options available. Only a few digital currencies are listed among these options, of which Dash is prominently included.

Why so special?

What sets Brave apart is its aggressive anti-ad attitude. The browser was built to strip online ads from websites and its maker's business model relies not only on ad blocking but on replacing the scratched-out ads with advertisements from its own network. It's as if a new TV network announced it would use technology to remove ads from other networks' programs, then rebroadcast those programs with ads of its own devising, ads that it sold.

Browse Faster

Load pages 2x faster on desktop and up to 8x faster on mobile.

Watch Brave in action, head-to-head-to-head against Chrome and Firefox. Brave loads page twice as fast out of the box with nothing to install, learn or manage. Because Brave strips out many of the tracking features of ads, it greatly speeds up page loading times. Brave says this allows its browser to load pages almost twice as fast as other web browsers. Also, because many of the data-heavy ad’s are stripped away, you’ll be hit with smaller data usage bills on your cellular networks.

Browse Safer

Experience unparalleled privacy and security.

Brave fights malware and prevents tracking, keeping your information safe and secure. It’s our top priority. Brave also has ad blocking tech built directly into the browser. With many growers, you can add on third-party ad blockers, but Brave wanted to make this process both simple–and also not lethal to the websites people visit.
If everyone uses ad blockers on the sites they visit eventually those websites you love reading so much won't exist. Advertising allows sites to keep the lights on and pay the writers who make the content. No advertising dollars means no money to pay the bills, which means those sites you love will eventually fold up shop or put everything behind a paywall, forcing you to pay a monthly subscription fee to view the content.

Give Some Back

Support your favorite sites with Brave Rewards

Activate Brave Rewards (available on desktop only) and give a little back to the sites you frequent most. Help fund the content you love – even when you block ads.
Browsing the web with Brave is free: with Brave Rewards activated, you can support the content creators you love at the amount that works for you.

Save Money

No more data charges to download unwanted content

The average mobile browser user pays as much as $23 a month in data charges to download ads and trackers — that’s $276 a year. Brave blocks ads and trackers, so you don’t pay for them.


- Ad blocking
- Fingerprinting prevention*
- Cookie control*
- HTTPS upgrading*
- Block scripts*
- Per-site shield settings
- Configurable global shield defaults
Tabs and Windows
- Private Windows
- Pinned Tabs*
- Auto-unload*
- Drag and drop*
- Duplicate*
- Close Options
- Find on page
Address Bar
- Add Bookmark
- Autosuggest URLs
- Search from the address bar
- Autosuggest search terms
- Show/hide bookmarks toolbar*
- Show a secure or insecure site
- Clear browsing data
- Built-in password manager
- Form autofill
- Control content access to full-screen presentation*
- Control site access to autoplay media
- Send “Do not track” with browsing requests
- Choose default search engine
- Use keyboard shortcuts for alternate search engines*
- Option to use DuckDuckGo for private window search
- Brave Desktop now supports most of the Chrome extensions in the chrome web store
Thank you!

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