Disco Dingo - New Ubuntu Release Uses Linux Kernel 5.0

Week recap — 25 February 2019 | Libre Graphics World

Disco Dingo...  Sounds funny isn't it.

So what is Disco Dingo?    Disco Dingo is the newest 19.04 release of the Ubuntu operating system. it was released on 18th April 2019. Ubuntu 19.04 is a non-LTS release. So 18.04 Bionic Beaver is still the LTS release of the Ubuntu.

New Features

Ubuntu 19.04 uses Linux Kernel 5.0 so you can expect better hardware support and performance improvement specially if you have additional graphics card.

Linux Kernel 5.0 Released! Check Out The New Features

GNOME 3.32 is the default desktop environment in Disco Dingo. GNOME 3.32 has many new features, But you won’t get all of them in the customized version of GNOME provided by Ubuntu. The icons and themes are replaced by Ubuntu’s own custom Yaru theme.

Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo Default Wallpaper

The Ubuntu 'Communitheme' Has a New Name - OMG! Ubuntu!

There are some minor changes in the appearance of the default terminal in Ubuntu 19.04. The new tab option is more prominent along with the search button.

Ubuntu 19.04 also brings some under the hood performance improvement that you cannot see but surely can feel it. Scrolling and window snapping animations are smoother. Files are indexed so now the file search in the GNOME search is faster.

Download Ubuntu 19.04

Ubuntu 19.04 ISO is available to download from the official website of Ubuntu. Follow this Link => Download Ubuntu 19.04

Please take note if you want to upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 to 19.04, First you have to upgrade it to 18.10 and then to 19.04.

Thanks for reading by Lahiru Mirihagoda

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