Want To Hack A Wifi Network?

Hi guys!  Ever wondered how to hack a Wi-Fi like its nothing at all? Ha ha probably yes, well this is your chance to take the first step to hack and smash! Today I am going to tell you about hacking a Wi-Fi using wifiphisher. you will need kali linux to work this out.


It is a security tool which is a great access point framework used by hundreds and hundreds of hackers worldwide. And the best thing about this is it is totally free and is an open source software currently available for Linux, but not only that the thing is that it can hack WPA/WPA2 protected Wi-Fi networks without cracking!


How wifiphisher operates is quite simple. First it creates an evil twin AP, de-authenticate or DOS the user from their real AP.  And when the Wi-Fi user logs in he or she finds that the Wi-Fi needs re-authentication.

Then Wifiphisher redirects the Wi-Fi user to fake AP with the same SSID.After connecting with the fake AP, the owner of the Wi-Fi network will see a legal looking webpage that requests him or her to input password to “Upgrade the firmware.” 

When the user enters the password in the cloned web page, it is reported back to you (the hacker) without the knowledge of the Wi-Fi user. User allowed further to access the internet from fake evil twin AP, so they can’t feel anything odd.

The Wi-Fi owner goes about surfing the internet obvious to the fact that you have hacked his/her Wi-Fi password using Wifiphisher. Ha ha simple as that!
Getting started:  

Install python in Kali Linux using the below command
  • apt-get install python 
Then unpack the wifiphisher script using
  • Tar –xvzf /root/wifiphisher-1.1.tar.gz
  • Or you can clone the code from Github using git clone https://github/sophron/wifiphisher.git

After that navigate to the directory where wifiphisher was installed by,
  • cd wifiphisher/
Now Run the script using,
  • python wifiphisher.py
And when running if it is the first time running it will tell that “hostapd” is not found, and when this comes to your view just type "Y

hostapd will be installed automatically. And when it is done run the script again using step 4 command.

Whoosh! its nearly completed guys , now all you have to do is ,

Select target AP from the Wi-Fi network list

Now  Type “num” and hit Enter.

Wifiphisher will now do the magic and in no time the password will be yours!

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