Your Electronic Cards And Data in Trouble

Before move on to my topic I need to ask that, Have you ever heard about NFC. NFC stand for Near Field Communication. This can use to communicate between two electronic devices within 4cm range because, NFC does not make powerful signal.
NFC devices are used in con-tactless payment systems, similar to those used in credit cards and electronic ticket smart cards and allow mobile payment to replace/supplement these systems.

NFC as Technology Enabler
NFC creates a new and universal interface to existing devices through simple touch interaction. NFC bridges gaps between existing technologies and devices to enable new applications and services.

This NFC use for several purposes. Some of them are,
  • NFC Devices Enable Data Exchange
  • NFC and Health care
  • NFC Enables Electronic Door Locks

NFC Means Proximity
NFC is a perfect source of convince because it merges a mobile device with wallet(s). NFC is also quite easy, all it takes is a simple touch when using NFC for payments.

Now it is using for our VISA , MASTER cards and other electronic cards.You don't need to enter tour card ATM machine or punch terminal anymore.You only need touch and pay. Overall, it improves efficiency and productivity. in customer services.

Advantages of NFC,
  • easy to use
  • Versatility
  • Safety
Disadvantages of NFC,
  • Company Agreements to use NFC
  • Security

NFC Device can work in Three mode there are,
  • NFC Card Emulation

NFC Card emulation mode enables NFC-enabled devices such as smartphones to act like smart cards, allowing users to perform transactions such as payment or ticketing.  

  • NFC Reader/Writer

NFC Reader/writer mode enables NFC-enabled devices to read information stored on inexpensive NFC tags embedded in labels or smart posters.

  • NFC peer-to-peer (P2P mode)

NFC peer-to-peer mode enables two NFC-enabled devices to communicate with each other to exchange information in an adhoc fashion.

OK. I think now you have some knowledge about the NFC. Now I am going to talk about the topic.

Warning: NFC attack can steal your credit card information

When the NFC is activated, small amounts of data are transferred between the devices that are connected, making one of the strongest points of this technology, but at the same time the weakest point that could be exploited by hackers.

How can hackers steal your credit cards using NFC?

Cyber security expert Pierluigi Paganini shows us very well in but all this attacks were difficult to perform and to be successful because it requires the devices to be near to each other.

But that may change with the discovery of the researcher. Michael Roland, who found that installing a Trojan relay in Android smartphones can start Google Play using the NFC capabilities.

When realizing the issue, Google patched the problem, but when researching once again, Rodriguez and Vila discovered that NFC in an Android device could be used to steal credit cards that the victim as in his pocket, think about it, how many times your phone is close to your wallet? Too many times I am sure.
Is this possible?
Now you may think this not possible. They me become true. Your credit card or any electronic data may be stolen like PRISON BREAK TV SERIES season 4 electronic gadget.

Remember it ,"Using a cell phone, Roland built an electronic data copier that could read any electronic information and send it back to his computer for him to copy. He originally used it to steal credit card numbers and other financial information, but was caught. Instead of serving time in prison, he made a deal to help Agent Don Self take down the Company."

Computer and Electronic Scientist careful about this.They work for protect any important data. This may be future trouble don't worry about this now.

Thanks for reading this article.

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